Friday, November 24, 2017

Born to Run Post#2

What evidence did the author, Michael Morpurgo, give us in the previous chapters to suggest that Mr. Boots was not a trustworthy person?  Remember to start your answer in Google Docs (Google read and write) or MS Word (Word Talk) to edit it for clarity and details, and to proof read it before copying it into the blog comments.  Remember your name.


  1. The evidence the author gave in the last chapter to prove that Mr.Boots is not a trustworthy person was Patrick always called him bossy boots. And Patrick always said he was full of himself and tells lies.

  2. I think that mr. Boots is not trustworthy because he lied to the principal about the story. But he did help Patrick get out of the channel so he deserves some credit.


  3. What evidence did the author, Michael Morpurgo, give us in the previous chapters to suggest that Mr. Boots was not a trustworthy person? Remember to start your answer in Google Docs (Google read and write) or MS Word (Word Talk) to edit it for clarity and details, and to proof read it before copying it into the blog comments. Remember your name. Mr.Boots might not be a trustworthy person because when he was talking to the head principal about what happened to Patrick Mr.Boots lied about it and said he had helped to him out of the canal. Rylan

  4. I think the evidence that the author told that means Mr.Boots is not trustworthy are that he sold Best Mate to Craig, and that he lied about when he saved Patrick from the canal.



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